£49 upfront fee & 
£99 upon completion

If you’ve made it this far, you’re likely to be very frustrated and have hit a brick wall.
We get it - and we know how to fix it.

The £49 upfront fee covers:

Reviewing your case details - Don't worry if you have missed a car service, or have had the car serviced by a non-dealer garage. We have won in those circumsances too.

Gathering reasons why the garage believe they should charge you.

✔️ Structuring clear conter-arguments and dismantling 'excuses' posed by manufacturers, based on successful past cases and experience.

Handling all communication with the dealership/manufacturer - so you don’t have to. This speeds up the process as well as demonstrating that you are serious abut challenging the repair bill, for a latent wet bet design defect that was not caused by you.

Keeping you updated throughout the process.You may want to take the lead in communicating with the dealership, and you can if you prefer. However, experience tells us that it is best if we deal directly with the dealership.

We know exactly WHAT to say, HOW to say it and WHEN to apply pressure to get results.This is a fixed fee for our work - not a success-based charge.

If you have any questions, please send us a message below.

Send us a message

Fill up the form and our team will get back to you.

07917 680955


‍Wet Belt Watchdog Limited
First Corporate Law Services
B1 Vantage Park, Old Gloucester Road, Hambrook,
Bristol, BS16 1GW

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