Our Job:
To get you a free engine repair
We structure watertight cases.
Together, we take care of everything, from gathering evidence to presenting a precise, persausive technical and procedural argument, ensuring a watertight case for the free-of-charge repair, without further unnecessary delays.
Wet belts fail even when cars have low mileage
We know the arguments to use.
Vehicles experience premature wet belt failures well before reaching the 100,000 mile service interval. Often, service history or other reasons (excuses) are given, resulting in consumers facing a hefty bill. This is where we step in to help you and save you money.
We work with manufacturers & dealerships on your behalf
Helping dealerships secure approvals.
Dealerships often find themselves caught in the middle, balancing reasonable consumer expectations with manufacturer restrictions.
We support dealerships by providing the exact technical information they need to present to manufacturers, helping them get repairs approved faster and with fewer delays.
If a manufacturer tries to reject a repair, we challenge their decision with irrefutable technical arguments - compelling them to acknowledge the latent wet belt design defect and authorise a free repair.
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